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Dienstleistungen (3)
- Design Appointment
A design appointment is to discuss project progress and to talk about next steps. It's an opportunity for you to take a look at work that we have already completed and to talk about the next steps of your project including content, services and completion dates.
- FREE Initial Design Appointment
At your free design appointment we'll discuss your project and your requirements for your business so that we can offer you the right products and solutions.
- Lightning Assist Call-out
A Lightning Assist call-out is designed for customers who need technical assistance with their Lightning products and services that they are managing from their home or office. Often issues can be resolved remotely but when they can't Lightning Assist is here. An appointment will be pre-planned as a result of a support process from Lightning Support.
Andere Seiten (15)
- Product Page | Lightning
Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Send Thanks for designing with us. We'll be in touch. Sides Choose an option Finish Choose an option How many? Choose an option Content Upload an image such as your logo or any business specific images Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Your Details I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate and am happy for Lightning to proceed with this project. Upload a document with the contact information for your business card Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen We'll create a design based on the details you provided We'll send it to you for your approval If all is good, we'll complete the work and get your business cards sent to you If you needs us to tweak something, let us know when we send you your first design. We'll make the changes and ask for your approval before we complete the project. Mit Lightning online gehen Do I need to pay a deposit? There is no deposit payable on any of our design & print products. Deposits are only required for design & print packages or website design. When do I pay for my items? Payment for your items is due when you send us your design details. We'll also send you an invoice. If there is a problem with your design we will resolve this within 14 days or issue a full refund after 14 days if the issue has not been resolved. What do I do if there is an error on my product? If there is something wrong with your design and it was our mistake we'll put it right with no extra cost. We'll check the design brief and refer to our design notes to decide if it was out error. If there is a problem with content such as spelling on your product but this is how it was sent to us then Lightning are not at fault but will still assist with getting the issue corrected. If the issue was not caused by Lightning payment for redesign of the product will be required. As a top tip, be sure to check the content for spelling and grammar before submitting it to us. How long does it take to complete the design? Typically a business card design can take as little as an hour or less to design. The time elements involved with this product are waiting for content, customer approval and then making any changes requested by you. Once the business card design is approved and completed they will need to be printed and cut. With all these things factored in plus delivery we usually deliver to you with 3-5 working days. What if I need to change the design or content? If you need to make minor changes or updates your business card design we will not charge you for the edits and you'll just need to pay for another set to be printed. If you want a complete redesign then normal prices apply depending on which option you choose.
- Contact Us | Lightning Design Studio Torbay
Free Quote Support Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal Websites Branding Logo Design Service Ways to pay Start a project Help Quick Links Follow Us Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen TROUBLESHOOTING Mit Lightning online gehen HELP CENTRE Mit Lightning online gehen BOOK A VISIT Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen STANDARD APPOINTMENT Mit Lightning online gehen EXPRESS APPOINTMENT Mit Lightning online gehen CHANGE AN APPOINTMENT Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen First Name Last Name Message Submit Thank you for contacting Lightning. First Name Type of business? What services are you looking for? Choose an option Do you require a logo? Yes No Select a date I agree to the terms & conditions View terms of use Email Phone Mit Lightning online gehen
- About Lightning | Lightning Design Studio Torbay
Free Quote Support Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Discover Websites Branding Logo Design Service Ways to pay Start a project Help Quick Links Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen Mit Lightning online gehen FAQ'S Mit Lightning online gehen GET IN TOUCH Mit Lightning online gehen BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Mit Lightning online gehen HOW TO PAY Mit Lightning online gehen HELP & SUPPORT Mit Lightning online gehen ACCOUNT Mit Lightning online gehen Follow Us